Friday, September 22, 2006

Great Date!

The roommates did it once again! We had another great time. Way to be!
We had tonight what we like to call a "roommate date", where the roommates do a group date. Sometimes we find a group of boy roommates to go on the date with, but for tonight we found our own dates... Kind of. So really that means that two of us were on a blind date, set up by other people. Long story short, we had a hard time finding people to take last minute since most of our dates backed out without much notice, but by 5:30 we'd found them. (We were planning on starting the date at 6:00, fyi.)

For the date we had a progressive dinner at different restaurants around town. We drew out of a hat in which order we'd eat (dinner, appetizers, dessert, and drinks) and at which restaurants we'd go to for each item. For dinner (which was first) we ended up at Panda Express. Next came dessert at McDonald's. Drinks were at Pita Pit (which became a whole story in and of itself, but we tipped and got a dance from one of the workers). The plan was to go to a sandwich/pizza place for the appetizer to finish off, but we were all full and ended up playing Catch Phrase back at the apartment. (Don't worry; the girls really won. The guys had to cheat to win the second game.)

These are each of the couples at our last stop: Pita Pit.

Definitely a recommended activity!


AngieDoodle said...

Sounds so fun! I'm totally jealous! :)Thanks for the awesome date idea, pal!

Carrie said...

That looks like fun! Hey jess, are you wearing a pink bra? hee hee

fezzik said...

That is a stinkin' good idea. I love it! That is one fine lookin' specimen.

Jess said...

haha.. yep, fezz, you're definitely right.. and so are you, carrie (but shh.. don't tell).. no problem ash!