Wednesday, December 12, 2007

My Friend Stephie

This weekend my lifetime friend Steph will be moving out of Logan. We have been friends since she was born (I'm older by a month and 8 days), and have been going to the same schools and living within walking distance of each other forever. Even when we moved to college, we were still only a couple of blocks away. Granted, we didn't get together all of the time, but there was comfort in knowing that she was always there if I needed her. On Saturday she moves to Cedar City, 4 hours away from here. I don't know what I'm going to do! We just went out to lunch today and were talking about how much time we have shared together through this far in life. I'm going to miss her! For anyone who has seen Steel Magnolias, well, that's our movie. We are the two old ladies who are always arguing but are the best of friends. It will be weird to have my longest time friend gone away from me. If I were allowed to tell anyone about some of the memories we have together, I could write a hilarious, sad, rude, exciting, and dull book that would include fights, parties, and pretty much everything you can think of. The book would be really long as we have spent almost 21 years of our lives making memories. It would be depressing at some points, yet overly happy at most others. I guess what it comes down to is that I'll miss you, Stepharoonie Potsatoonie.

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