Thursday, May 03, 2007

Box Elder Battle

This is not a request to box "Elder Battle"...Just in case anyone was wondering. We don't even know an Elder Battle. The point is, we are in the midst of a war...and not with Box Elder county, but with the Box Elder bugs! EWWW!!!

Just look at them in their disgusting tribe of intruding fart-knockers.
I found these little buggers on my laundry room floor on an unforseen day when I realized the laundry needed to be done. There must have been at least 30 of them who had secretly snuck in to destroy our peace and happiness. Now, the picture only shows a few of them, and they aren't easy to see against the cracked-paint floor, so here's a professional picture for you.

Lucky for us, the tribe that tried to invade had mostly died before I got there to kill them myself. However, they are still attempting to overtake us little by little through different parts of the house: the living room, the bedroom, the kitchen, and even the bathroom. They're ruthless!

Speaking of ruthless, college professors are like Box Elder bugs. They poop on your furniture; they are a nuisance; they control your life. Well, not all are nuisances, and most don't poop on your furniture. But they sure do control your life. Thank goodness finals are over!!!