Monday, April 18, 2011

The Craziness that is Real Life.

It seems there comes a time in life where it's time to move on. We're approaching that time. Our life together has been spent going to school. In the 4+ years we've been together, neither of us have worked a full time job, or even thought about it. Now we are both interviewing at various companies and trying to start a new life. In 3 weeks, we'll both be done with school, Mark with 2 Master's and 1 Bachelor's degree, and me with a Master's and a Bachelor's degree. It's crazy to think about, but a new life begins in less than a month. Mark is currently interviewing with a company in New Mexico. I am currently interviewing with a company in California, and a University in Wisconsin. We're really hoping we can find jobs in the same city, but so far we're not even in the same states. Of course, we won't live apart from each other, but it would be nice to start jobs at the same time. Crazy stuff.

*A big thanks to Kate Pease for taking this picture (and others used for graduation announcements), and to Cory for putting the announcements together.